Thursday, October 4, 2012

I am Noe, I am me.
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Shape: Those who know me know that I change ALL the time. I’m aquarius, I get bored so easily and fast…so I love changing shapes. I’ve started using a Beusy shape to give my avi a younger look (kinda tired of the old style) and I love it. But I have been in the shape of all that you can imagine (yeah I was victim of big hips, big butt, fish face lolol but because I love experimenting, and getting new looks).

Skin: I would LOVE to know how to make my own skin…like a version of all the things I like in a skin. So far, I’ve changed a lot. I’ve been a huge fan of Laq and Pink Fuel’s Elly in the past, then I started to change to a more “””ethnic””” look…so far my favourites are Glance, some Al Vulos,Body co (Ylang), Essences! God I love those! and (love), they are awesome. 

Eyes: I.D. Mirror Eyes in brown. And they have been my current eyes for a loooong time. Can’t get enough of that stare. Anyway I’ve been using some TSG eyes and Dead Apples too (e.g.: in this pic!),  and Mayfly but they became so popular that I got bored lol.

Beauty marks: Since Mijn released the beauty marks all in ONE layer, can’t get them off  me. I feel they give my face some unique touch I love. 

Skin tone: When I started SL, I was so peachy! Lmao seriously, I was. Then I turned super pale till I met some new skin brands who offered more tones and I started wearing sunkissed-tan ones. But I said it. I change a lot. So who knows! Maybe tomorrow I pick ebony :D

Hair tone: Well I was the typical Barbie when I began back in 2009. I used to be a pole dancer (yaaaaaaas you heard it :D) so I had that platinum blonde look that now I hate haha. Then I turned brunette (as in RL) and now..well, I go back and forth in time, I love being brunette but sometimes I pick some blonde-brownish hairs.

Eyebrows: Black, and kinda thick if possible. I have some made by kind people who gifted them to me <3 and I wear those who are included in skin packs.

Soooo, this is me. Well, this is Noe Foxdale. Just an excuse to kill time. I share this because I don’t care about being copied, cloned, or all that drama that always happens among bloggers. I simply don’t share these details in every post because I feel repetitive…but those who have contacted me know that I don’t mind sharing it all. Except for my lashes. They have been heavily modded :/ 

 I’m not even here to play “ohh look how fashionista/popular/unique I am” -because I’m not.  Noe Foxdale is like a virtual doll I like to dress up. 

In my opinion, people take SL/SL looks way too seriously. And they harm others so deeply. I’ve seen all kinds of drama for one look. I’ve suffered myself bullying, bitching, harassment, anything you can imagine from people who think that what you get from this monitor is more important and essential than what is out there. I would just like to say to them all RELAX and ENJOY, this is just a game. For some, yeah, this is business, this is an income, but most of us are here to have idle moments

If you really think you’ll have a better Second Life by looking exactly like me, by all means, go ahead. You will never become ME because only I Am ME

 Live and let live in both worlds. 

Hair:  Vanity Hair:Briton College-Nova Black +Nova Black hairbase
Shirt: (love) Navy Hem Sleeveless Chiffon Blouse 
Jeans:  {.essences.} Obliviate Jeans - N. America 
Skin:  {.essences.} Cynthia 02 bald / cleavage
Shape: Beusy - Something Regretful.
Necklace: AB - The Theology Necklace
Eyes: {D.A} Real Eyes – Brown


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