Thursday, July 12, 2012

I Can See Clearly Now

Good evening Lovelies.  We can all see a little clearer now and hopefully have shown the same to others by coming together at the One Voice Fundraiser. We come together as one voice hurdling the obstacles that stand in the way.  I am back again to show you more wonderful designers that a bunch of fabulous designers have set out at this fundraiser donating 50-100% of the proceeds to help Gala/Curio Skins with her legal fees and the fight for the right of all Second Life content creators. Some of these items are located in the designers stores. Get down there and show your support.  I can't say it enough.  Every little bit counts.  Happy evening shoppping!

<3 Dani @ PixelAnnies

Skin:  Lara Hurley - Jade - Pale  **@ ONE VOICE**
Shape:  Dani & Co.
Hair:  MINA Hair - Charlize  **@ ONE VOICE**
Top:  HolliPocket - Pull Meh Top - Girly Prints - Pretty Girl  **@ ONE VOICE**
Skirt:  Lula - Floral Gala Skirt - Mesh - Roseate  **@ ONE VOICE**
Eyes:  Mayfly - Liquid Light - Mesh Eyes - Deep Ice  **@ ONE VOICE**
Lashes:  Redgrave - ExtraLong
Pose:  BENT - Creative Portrait  **@ ONE VOICE**

****MORE INFO: ****


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