Monday, November 14, 2011

Perfect WARdrobe - B&W

The theme for this round of Perfect WARdrobe is black & white (desaturated fun!) There really is a TON of great stuff available like this wicked Bound Mesh Corset from Aura (if you haven't giving mesh a shot yet, you really should!) Yulicie's offering is Emerge, in black and white obviously. This is such a punk rock hair that it goes perfect with pretty much ANYTHING you purchase at Perfect WARdrobe. There's plenty more of monotone goodness so go check it out!
Hair : Yulicie - Emerge in Black (Perfect WARdrobe) Tattoo : Para Design - Retro Shirt : Aura - Bound (MESH) (Perfect WARdrobe) Pants : {K}Rea - Sequined Leggins in white Skates : justB - Roller Skates (Closing sale on now, 75% off everything) Pose - Magnifique Poses
Don't forget to check out Next Pointless Trend for more Perfect WARdrobe posts!


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