Monday, November 21, 2011


 OFFICIAL NEWS ! (in quoted words of the owner to whom this TEAM of bloggers wishes only the best and will do anything we can to keep a high quality dedicated imaginative, customer orianted and all in all epic designer around for a long while to come !!!!! )

Hey, everyone. I'm sorry I havent been on much in the past week, Ive been dealing with a lot of stress, and a very big crisis.
I started making and building in Second life in 2003-2004. Ive had many shops over the years, made many things, and i still have every single piece, every file, every texture. Until a few days ago.
I store all of my work on a massive, 4TB Hard Drive. Everything is on it, my entire life, every picture ive ever taken, every scrap of work. A few days ago, it fell onto the tile floor, about a 2 foot drop, and the reading arm broke.

My computer is basically empty, i have none of my PSD's or any of my files anymore, unless I can get that drive fixed. Ive gone to several places and the average price of fixing it is around 1200$.  The reason its so expensive is because the Reading Arm is broken, and to fix that you have to take apart the hard drive, which cannot be done unless you're in a sanitary clean room or a dustfree environment. If one speck of dust gets on the reader heads, it can damage your hard drive permanently.

Bottom line: I've got to raise the money to get this fixed, or i'll be starting over from scratch on EVERYTHING.

I'm going to be setting everything in the store on sale over the next couple days to half price- It shouldnt take me too long, but i do have a lot of products, so we'll see.
If you see me down in the store and you say hello, and I dont respong, i'm not ignoring you! I'm just working to get this done ASAP. :)

All skins will be 50% off,
All the NEW Aleria and Averian skins are 40% off.
All clothing will be 50% off, 
All Eyes and tattoos will be 50-70% off,
And anything else in the store will be at 50% off.

I'll keep this up for a week or so, depending on how many people show up and how much money ive raised.
I know that this is a lot to ask, for people to come shop and help me raise the money to get this fixed, it's just so important i get the contents of this drive back.
I'm awaiting quotes on data retrieval from several different other companies to see who's going to cost the most, highest recovery rate, and all of that.

If you know of a service or a business who specialize in that, you can feel free to send me a note with all the info. I will take all the help I can get.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this notecard and hear me out. Ive never been one to ask for anything, but this is a really big crisis.

I want to be able to keep creating beautiful things in second life, and I want to be around much longer. <3
-Aikea Rieko, The Plastik.
Email info:



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