Wednesday, November 16, 2011

forty three.

good morning! how are you babies?!?! there is no sun here for this morning, it looks like it will rain :s, but i don't mind it. i do mind all the fucking leaves on the ground that i have to clean up soon. >.<! anyways, i just ADORE the new skin from Mother Goose, called Bomi. check out the demos and shit, she offers them with teeth and no teeth. SOOO adorable i want the whole pack..! :x
hair - elikatira, mood & soft, Elikapeka Tiramisu.
skin - mother goose, bomi teeth, Milok Hermit. | 1L in shop.
hairbow - tokidoki, kami ribon, Maya Levane. | gacha in shop.
eyes - bbqq, Omiluo Resident.
pink shirt - rotten toe, doll blouse, Elsa Liebknect.
black inner shirt - ison, loose knit sweater, Harry Hyx.
capris - ohmai, jersey harem pants, Anya Ohmai.
socks - en svale, Zooey Yokosuka. | free in shop.
shoes - es' cusi, my laced heels, Sophielle Resident. | vintage fair item.
pose - madeleine, lies that you wanted, Xanadu Capelo.
bag - grasp, leopard leather bag, Asalt Eames.


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