Friday, March 23, 2012

cry me a river bruh.

This "Fashion for Life 2012 Blogger Hall of Shame" post, was brought to my attention, yesterday, but one of their fellow bloggers (Quella Quan) in an IM. i was HORRIFIED when i saw this, not only because my name and blog were on the list, but because they've wrongly accused me, and MANY others on the list. I went and scrolled/skimmed threw the comments, and i saw bloggers correcting the list with proof of their posts and giving excuses as to why they didn't blog etc etc,THE BLOG IS YOURS! YOUR BLOG IS NOT OWNED BY THE CHARITY! YOU ARE YOUR OWN BOSS FOR YOUUUUUUR BLOG! Therefore, there should be no excuses or even a list for that fact. Sure, some designers sent you items, does that mean you blog EVERY item given to you? do you owe your SL LIFE TO THEM?! i mean seriously, most of the comments i saw were toward Nave, and to be honest, EVERYONE E V E R Y O N E who knew about this post, is and should be treated the same as the person who wrote the post. Therefore, you shouldn't only be angry at this person. MANY people were aware and said the OKAY to publish. What a desperate cry for attention. 

I won't give an excuse or give you prove if i did or did not blog for this event, because i honestly don't need to prove anything to anyone to what I do on MY blog. AND to top it off, no one ever contacted me about this issue, if i was or have not blogged for this event and i'm pretty sure probably none of the bloggers listed were. I've removed all my coverage of this charity event on flickr, plurk, facebook, and other sites my blog autoposts to, and do not want any association with it. Live and learn as they say. I will definitely think twice about offering to blog about another charity event. i just have one question.. WHY IS THERE MORE DRAMA ON CHARITY EVENTS!!?!?! lolol. 

I also came across the link to the apology post here, the Editor and Chief wrote.. i wasn't very pleased about it, there was no apology directly to the bloggers that were accused. it seemed more about her and her blog, feelings, REPUTATION blabla, nice way to cover your ass and not others.. i honestly didn't see ANY names of the bloggers listed given credit to, for being put on a negative spotlight. an action that was uncalled for, borderline cyber bullying even. and to think the organizers and people behind all this are adults, HOW SCARY. Everyone who was involved in that post needs to obviously apologize not only to the readers but to the people who participated in the charity, and to the bloggers who were listed. Amazing how immature, SOME adults are! LORDGOD.

ciao darlings!


the photos censored are the photos i had originally blogged for this charity.


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