Everyone is welcome! There will be freebies! Check out Dany Bimbogamy's shop too!
Dany French Touch Blog
We'll meet inside the shop for a viewing of my new grungy stuff, then tp or walk out to the bayou for the lightshow!

Be sure to wear your grungiest clothes and the judge will pick you to win a free painting of your choice at this show.

YAY!!! Maidy will be doing her amazing lightshow for us! We will dance with her on the bayou dance floor! Set your Windlight to Midnight for the best view.

As a special treat, I will play the Goldberg Variations on Dany's harpsicord for you! Just kidding, everyone will be able to try it!
Skin: Mynerva Vanilla Plain Jane V2, red brow - 700L
Hair: ""D!va"" Hair "Futaba" (Carrot) former LB limited color (many other lovely free hairs here now!)
Eyes: *Farouche* Dolly Orange2 Gift Eyes - free now
Brooch at neck: $GaNKeD$ Flora bracelets & head petals gold (modified), former gift
Sweater: !!KKBB!! Donna Sweater - Orange - 1L
Skirt: !STC Pumpkin Butt Costume Gift - free group gift now
Bracelet: Fleur 49 Hollow Sphere, be me - free at Lotusland Gallery Shop
Harpsicord: The Curious Prim at Mythopoeia - 560L
Location: Dany French Touch
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