Saturday, June 2, 2012


hiiiii guys! sooo like i think i'm kindof high from painting... LOLOL sooo i have not much to say other than............. TOKIDOKI HAS THE CUTEST MOTHEREFFIN LOAFERS IN THE WORLD!!!! RAWR....... ANddd not to mention these pants, by Glam Affair! i want to marry these creators and have their pixel babies! OK! :P:P anywaysss let me talk SL now! hahaha

the shoes are special by tokidoki at the dressing room, like omg! OMGOMG. 70L go buy now, RUNRUNRUN! :P the pants are special also for fameshed by glam affair ohhhh snap! there are 2 other colors to choose from of course, and are all pastel! :D 

ALSO, Ego Co has launched their very first hunt EVER and i have to say, it's legit the best hunt right now! hahahha, all mesh items, i'm half way done, and will do a few looks for free*style SO WATCHOUT! :D 


hair - burley, Bella Earst.

glasses - yummy, Polyester Partridge.

skin - myuglydorothy, Sopha Portal. | spring rain luckyboard item.

lipstick - tsg, Eilfie Sugarplum.

necklace - izzie's, Izze Button. | mesh around hunt item! WEEE.

shoes - tokidoki, Maya Levane. | TDR special!


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