Monday, June 4, 2012

opinions?!?!?! please :3

soooo guys! I NEED HELP lolol i don't know which style is best for a blog? i like both, i COULD do both.. but, i mean.. my rl birthday is coming up in a few weeks and i want to start a new blog. WEE! but i don't know what style to start it off with? lol i just want it to be PERFECT! hahahha 

white background or non white? is the question! hmmmmmm.


hairbase - cashmere, Gianni Broda.

skin - amitomo, Yuiui Resident.

top - 1965, Mathylda Valeska.

shorts - urbana, Camille Bellecouer.

poses - adorkable, Adorkable Peapod.


Sam Laszlo said...

I would do both,must be really boring for some doing only a white background the whole time.

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