Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Dancing on the Edge of the Hollywood Sign

Good afternoon lovelies!  Happy Hump day!  That's right another round of Grenade Free Wednesday!  We all have a little bit of geek in us.  And who says Geek can't be sexy?  Well this outfit from BTS available for GFW is definitely geekishly sexy.  And I thought to myself..hmm. I'm missing something.  Oh yeah glasses!  Well since it was so bright outside I decided to add these stylish geeky leopard print glasses from Shadz!  They add the perfect touch to this stylish geek look.  I hope you all have a great Hump Day and don't forget to run down and check out all the cool GFW specials!  Happy Shopping!

<3 Dani @ PixelAnnies

Skin:  Al Vulo! - Baba 2 - Natural - Cleavage - Caramel  **NEW at Chic2**
Lips:  Pink Acid - Jelly Lip Gloss - Bubble Gum Pink  **NEW**
Shape:  Dani & Co.
Hair:  [Elikatira] - Return - Carrot Reds - Mesh  **NEW**
Outfit:  .:BTS:.  - Sexy Geek  **@ GFW**
Glasses:  Shadz - Leopard Classic
Feet:  Slink - Ladies Barefeet Medium Mesh - Static
Poses:  WetCat and Boom


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