Sunday, March 4, 2012



Revolution Turquoise from Siss Boom--100L (24 hours only! Other colours are also at 100L Special for 24 hours)
Zoey Hair from ChiChickie--new!
Clover Necklace from WTG--group gift
HS-Desire-Muse-The Seeker Skin from Heartsick--Twisted Hunt gift
Pose (SinnedGirlGlut) from EPIPHANY--new! (EPIPHANY is an all LIMITED animation/pose store. All products are only sold 20 times, or if not sold out by a month in time of its release the product goes into retirement and still will not be sold ever again. Owner Anatalia Honi was creator of the former Posies poses which I still use to this day! Congrats on your new store Anatalia)!

*There will also be a Best Friend Hunt dedicated to Lestat Reuven's mother and best friend (9-25-39 to 3-26-11--bless her soul) from Sunday 18 March to Saturday 31 March at Siss Boom, with hunt items priced from 1L to 50L. Just look for the cream tulip!

Originally posted in Crazy About SL Fashion


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