Sunday, March 11, 2012

Save A Life

Today, millions of people are living with cancer or have had cancer. The risk of developing most types of cancer can be reduced by changes in a person's lifestyle, for example, by quitting smoking, limiting time in the sun, being physically active, and eating a better diet. The sooner a cancer is found and treated, the better the chances are for living for many years.  The growth in our knowledge of cancer biology has led to remarkable progress in cancer prevention, early detection, and treatment. Scientists have learned more about cancer in the last 2 decades than has been learned in all the centuries preceding. Only a few decades ago, the prognosis (outlook) for people facing cancer was not nearly as favorable as it is today. 

During the 1970s, about 1 of 2 people diagnosed with cancer survived at least 5 years. Now, more than 2 of 3 survive that long. Today there are more than 11 million cancer survivors in the United States alone.
Cancer was once a word that people were afraid to speak in public, and people rarely admitted to being a cancer survivor. Now, many celebrities and national leaders very openly discuss and share their cancer experiences. The view that cancer cannot be cured and the fears that have historically been attached to the disease are slowly changing.

For this week you can help.  Some awesome people in Second Life have put together a special Event called the Fashion For Life event.  Kind of like the Relay for Life. There are 9 sims full of awesome designs!  So you can help not just physically but you can help virtually.  There are special kiosks set up in each store and everytime you buy one of those items 100% of the proceeds goes  to the American Cancer Society.  This is just one of adorable outfits I picked up from American Bazaar.  Run on down there because there are some amazing designers all working together for this great cause!

<3 Dani @ PixelAnnies

Skin:  Al Vulo!  - Chantal - Shine - Bronze
Shape:  Dani & Co.
Hair:  Truth - Kathy - Blondes -  NEW!
Dress:  [AB] - Gina Mama Dress Black (@ FFL)
Choker:  Mandala - Milky Way Choker - Black Wind
Earrings:  RYCA - Keri hoop - black/silver
Shoes:  Slink - Destiny Heels Black
Eyes:  Mayfly - Deep Sky Mesh Eyes - Deep Emerald
Lashes:  Redgrave - Diva
Poses:  FlyLily 


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