Saturday, March 10, 2012 [My Dear] Hygeia skin @Fashion For Life event

The Hygeia skin by My Dear Skin Store is exclusively available at the Fashion for Life event, which has just opened its doors. You will be able to find this skin in the Dreamseeker Epoque part of the sim. It comes in 5 tones, 7 make ups (one is exclusive for FFL), hairbase option and 30 lipsticks! Shape is also available. I loved this skin and this is a new store for me -never tried any of their skins- and they really surprised me. So, in my humble opinion, if you're thinking of getting a new look -and helping to fight this terrible illness- this is definitely a wise choice.

Other Credits:
  • UNDERWEAR:  sticky fingers -my yellow leopard underwear (new)
  • HAIR: diva -Ami (topaz)
  • POSES: Label Motion

Now, you may be wondering what this event is about, so following you will find all the information regarding FFL:

What is Fashion for Life?
Fashion for Life is the fashion arm of the Relay for Life movement in Second Life supporting the American Cancer Society.  Fashion for Life is directly supported by the American Cancer Society. We are an independent entity, answering to directly to the American Cancer Society and SL RFL Board via their liaisons, Stingray9798 Raymaker and MamaP Beerbaum. That means all our rules and regulations are reviewed directly by the ACS and approved by them. No monies collected during Fashion for Life will be going to a specific team in SL RFL; they will all be going directly to ACS via the Relay for Life general fund.
Second, under direct support of the ACS, we will be using sims rented by the ACS directly from Linden Lab. This puts us at a distinct advantage as monies received during our fund-raising efforts will go directly to ACS and be put into funds to offset their expenses in Second Life and then to their general funds. Therefore, no outside party will be benefiting through lease of their sims and potentially profiting from our fund-raising. (Please note, sims this year were paid for by a generous donation from Dream Seeker Estates Corporation as of February 19, 2012.)
Third, we invite any creators who create content that specifically enhances avatar appearance, regardless of theme or genre. That means we can have skin makers, hair creators, shoe designers, tattoo artists, eye producers, and the list goes on and on. All “fashion” in SL is covered under this umbrella.
Fourth, we run a fair amount of organizational and data handling procedures through web-based platforms. This allows designers and customers easier access to information when they want and need it.

So what’s New for 2012?
This year, Fashion for Life spans an incredible TEN lag free sims with over 200 stores selling the latest fashions, accessories, hair and unique designer items made especially for this event. There will also be gacha areas, a hunt, a raffle and a SALE- all with the end goal of raising funds for the American Cancer Society via SL.

The sims will be laid out in a cross formation and will represent the theme “Its Time…” with builds representing stages in time:  past, present, future and timeless. All building and landscaping have been created by some of SL’s top designers and builders to produce a beautiful environment for your charity shopping sprees!

Alongside the fabulous fashion, there will be a sim dedicated to providing a minimum of 12 hours entertainment and activities every day, so you can socialise, have fun and meet new people too.

Cancer touches everyone. We sincerely hope you join us in this kick-off event for Relay for Life in SL, helping raise money for the American Cancer Society.



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