Thursday, March 8, 2012

It's Time... celebrate life and lend our support to the Fashion for Life Event! These six gorgeous gowns from Ashli Designs will be on sale at the Fashion for Life event (10th to 20th March 2012) which is a shopping event to fight cancer (see here for more information) and all proceeds will go to the American Cancer Society. So mark your calendars and see you there!

  It's Time...
It's Time

Trinity Purple
Trinity Purple

Shele Plum

  Shele Plum
 Renae Purple
Renae Purple

It's Time 2 & 3
It's Time 2, It's Time 3

*All gowns from Ashli Designs at Fashion for Life
*All updos from Pocket Mirrors
*All jewellery from Alyssa Bijoux
*All poses from EverGlow

Originally posted in Crazy About SL Fashion


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