Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I Got That

Good afternoon lovelies.  I felt very authoritative today so I found this awesome outfit from Delirium Style to fit that perfectly.  It comes with the complete outfit you see here including the guns and vest and boots and even the under the eye face paint.  I definitely got that with these awesome glasses made by Shadz.  He makes some awesome designs and you can even get custom ones made for a great price!  And once again you can never go wrong with Pink Acid make up.  I tell you she's got everything under the sun for any look you want!  Definitely a place to check out.  These sexy gloss red lips added just the perfect touch I was looking for.  Soooo if you got that run down to D-StyleShadz, and Pink Acid and find you favorite goodies!  Happy Shopping ladies!

<3 Dani @ PixelAnnies

Skin:  Al Vulo!  - Chantal - Black - Bronze
Lips:  Pink Acid - Diva Lip Gloss Red
Shape:  Dani & Co.
Hair:  .ploom.  - Stevie - Blondes 1
Outfit:  D-Style - Stoneheart - Complete Outfit
Glasses:  Shadz - I Got That - Classic
Poses:  Morphine


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