Thursday, December 8, 2011

sixty five.

hiii pretties!!! how was your day??!?!?! i hope you all went to collabor and bought your pixel hearts out! i want 3 items still! hahahahha. today is also fifty linden friday!!! oh snapppppers.!! annnd with love hunt starts tomorrow!!! so many great items. :D:D i didn't know what to dress like today because i bought so many things SO i kindof have a mix of with love and collabor! hahaha. ;p read more for credits and such! <333! i know i haven't changed my blue lipstick nor my skin! hahaha i just love how it looks! maybe tomorrow i will change or something, who knows! :3

hair - diva, Marisa Kira.

skin - al vulo, Hlin Bluebird.

lipstick - pididdle, Brutus Martinek.

teeth - pxl, Hart Larsson.

inner shirt - nanuk, Dowr Resident. | collabor88 item.

bodysuit - pididdle, Brutus Martinek. | with love hunt again item, STARTS TOMORROW! <3 thanks brubru! <3

jeans - paper.bag, Kex Blackheart.

shoes - nx-nardcotix, Nardya Rousselot.

pose - marukin, Valencia Southard. | collabor88 item.

earrings - yummy, Polyester Patridge. | collabor88 item.

earring & necklace - purplemoon, Poulet Koenkamp.


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