Tuesday, December 13, 2011

sixty eight.

hiii! i don't know what to write today.. other than i'm mad........ I AM SO FUCKING FURIOUS AT HP! my laptop which i haven't had for over 6 months IS BACK IN REPAIRMENT!!! WHAT THE MOTHERFUCKSICLES?! like this is legit the 5th time. EVERYTIME THEY FIX SOMETHING, THEY MANAGE TO FUCK SOMETHING ELSE UP! okay. BYE!


hair - burley, Bella Earst.

hairband - tokid, Maya Levane.

skin - pink fuel, Mochi Milena.

dress - jack spoon, Steffy Ghost. | with love again hunt.

leggings - sms, Irie Campese.

panties - es' cusi, Sophielle Resident.

pose - pda, Izzy Bereznyak. | collabor88 item.

shoes - ladies who lunch, Faint Paulse. | with love again hunt item.

glasses - la malvada mujer, Faina Cortes.



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