Monday, November 5, 2012


Good afternoon lovelies!  I had a super great day because I got some super awesome news.  My RL fiance and I, will be RL homeowners as of tomorrow. YAY!  So in celebration for that I decided to dress up and show you this amazingly fabulous dress from Celoe.  The smooth fit of this dress is just wow.  And the texture is just well another wow.  No words can describe how much I love this dress.  It comes with 5 sizes (XXS – L) and a modifiable alpha layer which I didn’t have to modify at all because it was so well made.  There is a demo available so you should definitely go try it!  And lots of colors to choose from so you can find your favorite!
This very pretty necklace is made by Amorous.  I will be honest and tell you I didn’t know aboutAmorous until I found out about the Tomorrow Today fundraiser.  It’s a fundraiser set up to help out an SL resident named Matchbook Monday, who in fact is the creator of Amorous jewelry.  If you wanna read more about this fundraiser please visit this BLOG.  I have to say though this is some of my favorite jewelry now and I will be waiting for future releases to wear.  Fantastically made jewelry.  Go down and check out this event so you can find your jewelry and maybe more!  And it’s all for a great cause!
Happy Shopping Lovelies!
Skin:  LAQ – Saga – Tone 2.0  **NEW**
Eyeliner:  Pink Acid – Egyptian Goddess Eyeliner  **NEW**
Shape:  Dani & Co. 
Hair:  Magika - Today [03] – Mesh
Dress:  Celoe - poppy.dress.rose – Mesh   **NEW**
Necklace:  : Amorous : Suki  Necklace  **@ Tomorrow Today**
Eyes:  Mayfly - Deep Sky Mesh Eyes – Twilight Sea Shadow
Lashes:  Redgrave - ExtraLong
Poses:  Glitterati


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