*elymode* has opened up their mainstore in a new location, and there are LOTS of beautiful free outfits to be had!

You'll find the green outfit in a giftbox at the front of the store. It consists of the Ellen Miniskirt, Short Sweater, and Simply Sheer Tank.
The Long Simple Skirt in Fuchsia is free in a vendor on the right wall of the store. I've paired it with the Dulce Layer Tank in Aqua/Grape (tank not free).

Check out this sexy little number! I love the music note detail. The Bandwagon Mini is on the right wall of the store, and absolutely free!

The Shorties Jumper in Teal/Lilac and Slouchy Leggings in Lucky Lilac can be won from the Lucky Chair! These color combinations are exclusive to the chair. I've paired the leggings with the Danaini Tank in Pink (tank not free).
The skin and shape shown here (I modified the shape) are available for only 1L at the Renewal Opening celebration at Arata Shouten. Two skin/shape combos and Two hair styles available for 1L each!
Hair: Cass 02 by [ 69 ] -Part of the four fatpacks available free for group members! 300L joining fee.
Shoes: Sandal Flats Flower Purple by MonS
thanks for blogging *elymode* !
<3 ely
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