I have a couple of great events to share with you! First, the Hide & Seek sim grand opening starts today, featuring great stores such as Atomic Bambi, Olive Juice, Awesome Blossom, Boom, and more! (Boom is where I got the pretty dress seen here. My skin came from Atomic Bambi. Lots of the stores are participating in a hunt, so look for the little ants sprinkled throughout the sim.

Another wonderful event going on is the "OMG That's Adorable" sale, which ends on Sept. 13th. Visit MIASNOW to pick up the list of participating stores - All of them have a new item on offer for the event priced 99L and under! I traveled to Rezlpsa Loc to check out their OMG item and ended up scoring this gorgeous hair, including flower, for only 10L!

Shoes: Baby T's in Sky by Pixel Mode
Skin: Romaana Sunblush Dark Pure by Atomic Bambi
Hair: Sarah 10L Special by Rezlpsa Loc
Nails: Metallic Nails in Ocean Blue by PurpleMoon Creations
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