Hey ALL,
YAY, BIG PARTY for Lotusland Gallery & Leonie Textures & Sundries on Harmony Island sim opening Saturday November 20, 2010 4-6pm SLT!!!
Harmony Island is a small town in the Canadian Rockies of Alberta near Banff.
Theme is autumn casual garden party or something like that! There maybe be a contest if you're good - like a free painting! Hehe.
All Welcome!!!
I'm opening a pretty large gallery at Harmony Island with lots of new stuff! I've also put up a shop with all new textures made by me!
Maidy will be doing her lightshow VenuSLights! There will be dancing and tping around my stuff and well as checking out the sim.
There are free things in the gallery - a new fractal painting and an old grunged out one. There are some free and cheap textures in the new shop and some lil things to find.
From 7:00pm SLT, the sim owner Jaime Janic will be hosting some live music!
More details to come tomorrow!
Hope to see you then! Please feel free to pass this notecard to your friends and groups!
Thanks so much!
Leonie Szczepanski
Please note: there are shops for rent on Harmony Island at 50L/wk=100 prims, as well as some lovely waterfront land parcels for sale.